Landlords, we'll buy your rental and tenanted property quickly, without any hassle
LandlordBuyer will make a no-obligation cash offer for any type of property throughout England.
Want a guaranteed cash sale in a timescale that suits you? At LandlordBuyer we offer a friendly and professional property buying service that makes the entire process simple, fast and hassle-free – just the way it should be.
Why customers with sitting tenants sell to LandlordBuyer:
- A close family business who can make quick decisions
- We eliminate the hassle of evicting tenants
- More convenience
- No viewings, disruption or time wasters
- You're not left with an empty property and losing rent and paying bills
- No estate agent's or legal fees
- Sell within your timescale: our current purchase time averages 10 days
How selling a rental property works
Make an enquiry
Tell us who you are and a little bit about your property
Receive a no obligation cash offer from an experienced Director
We’ll make an offer within 48 hours of contacting us
Sell within your timescale
Choose the speed of the sale and we’ll process everything for you
Latest from our landlord hub
Why sell your buy to let property to LandlordBuyer
Compare our streamlined house buying service to a traditional method of sale. You save the hassle of viewings, marketing, dealing with sitting tenants and you can plan ahead with certainty
assuming 5% reduction
(if the tenants do not leave)

What costs could you save selling to LandlordBuyer?
- Estate agent fees of approximately 2% plus VAT – according to the Office for National Statistics, the average house price in the UK is £271,000, which means you could be paying your estate agent £6504 inclusive of value added tax
- Solicitors fees, typically around £1,500
- Mortgages payments on the empty home where applicable – our internal research shows that a typical house sale takes 115 days to complete
- Energy Performance Certificate – when marketing your home with an estate agent, you will need an EPC
- Utility bills, home insurance, cost of repairs whilst the property is empty
Frequently Asked Questions
How much does it cost a landlord to sell a property in the UK?
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Can I sell a house fast with sitting tenants?
Click here to get a cash offer
How will LandlordBuyer buy my tenanted property fast?
Click here to get a cash offer
Will there be any disruption to sitting tenants when selling my property quickly?
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Do you pay capital gains tax when selling a tenanted property?
Click here to get a cash offer
Can you sell a property portfolio?
Click here to get a cash offer